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VT 201 Course (Unit 2) - Optometric Testing for Vision Therapy
Introduction to the course (3:28)
Note to Doctors (2:09)
Note to Therapists (1:27)
Instructions for the Course and Financial Disclosure
COPE Information
Testing - History and Chair Skills
Introduction to Testing (1:29)
History Forms (9:23)
Taking a Good History (3:58)
Visual Acuity and Assessing the Patient (4:31)
Pupils and Confrontational Visual Fields (3:55)
Tests of Oculomotor Skills
Manual Pursuits (10:26)
Manual Saccades (4:08)
Manual Fixation (2:26)
Developmental Eye Movement Test (5:02)
Computerized Video-Oculography (6:31)
Tests of Accommodation
Near Retinoscopy (7:00)
Amplitude of Accommodation (3:14)
Accommodative Facility (14:58)
Tests of Binocularity
Intro, Maddox Rod, and Howell's Phoria (6:44)
Stereopsis (16:16)
Cover Test (20:22)
Near Point of Convergence (8:20)
Worth 4 Dot (5:01)
Phoropter Testing (12:42)
Other Testing
Lens/Prism/Filter Testing (24:59)
Strabismus Testing (24:44)
Visual Vestibular Integration Testing (11:28)
Visual Perceptual Testing (13:08)
The Initial Evaluation Process
How am I going to do all of this testing? (3:03)
The Initial Evaluation Process (10:05)
Conference/Case Presentation Example (17:23)
Teach online with
Visual Perceptual Testing
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